So Many Choices, So Little Time, So Much Resistance

June 30th, 2008 by | Print

I’ve had a few people ask me recently who are brand spankin’ new to the concept of marketing their businesses on the internet exactly what tools are out there. I begin to tell them…

And for some, their eyes start to glaze over and they say they feel safer with the “devil they know” when it comes to getting the word out about their brick & mortar business (yellow pages, inserts, postcards, etc.). I still take that response as a “Not yet!” ;)

At the same time, I’m watching in various forums different debates about which marketing strategies are the best on the internet alone. What do you think? Is it…

Traditional methods like SEO, SEM, Article Marketing, AdSense, PPC, etc.

or New Media such as blogging, podcasting, video, internet radio, etc.


some combination of the strategies?

Please share your thoughts. My inquiring mind would LOVE to know!

This is important. ;)

–Carol Dickson-Carr

One Response to “So Many Choices, So Little Time, So Much Resistance”

  1. Happy Says:

    Thanks for the insihgt. It brings light into the dark!

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