Interview with Ann Rusnak (AKA The Time Diva)

August 5th, 2008 by | Print

It was my pleasure to interview Ann Rusnak, a delightful woman I met on Facebook and became even better acquainted with on Twitter, on a subject near & dear to my heart: creating more in less time!

She was very successful in both the corporate world and in running her own business. However, like many of us, she reached a point where there just wasn’t enough of her to go around. As a result, she suffered a physical “melt-down” that required her to take a year off to heal.

During that year, she found she only had the stamina to “work” for a maximum of 15 minutes at any one time. This led to several discoveries about optimizing efforts to achieve ultimate results. As she healed her way back, she found many other people were headed in the same direction – towards burnout and frustration – and without a guidepost in sight!

Ann used her experience (and her desire to help others) to create her famous “Flip Your Time” program that allows people to create amazing results using chunks of just 15 minutes at a time. So take 30 minutes out of your day to listen in as she shares some of her strategies!

Audio Interview With Ann Rusnak

One Response to “Interview with Ann Rusnak (AKA The Time Diva)”

  1. Peerless Says:

    It’s raelly great that people are sharing this information.

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